I guess 2 guitars doesn’t add up to a collection, but maybe 5 does, even if it a small one!
Everyone who plays guitar has their own reasons for doing so..not all players are into their gear, whereas others (like me) take great pleasure from tinkering with instruments, modifying, refurbishing and rooting out new (old) guitars.
Eventually most players begin to see reasons to acquire extra guitars. Maybe an electric player realises they need an acoustic too, or an acoustic player decides to try out a resonator, or you decide to do some home recording and buy a bass to record with. At this rate, you end up guitar collection whether you intended to or not.
There are many types of collector; the high end big money types down to the young kids upgrading and swapping instruments between mates.
We intend to cover all areas of guitar collecting with this blog, so please bookmark us and visit often!
2 replies on “What makes a Guitar Collection?”
Wow! It looks like you have a mammoth task ahead of you there Flyssy. I was tempted by that one but passed it up, I wish I had gone for it now… I do so love a challenge!
Keep up the good work there mate!
well actually Pauline, it’s nearly finished!
Just need to add a few more coats of clear lacquer to the body, source some new neck screws and re-assemble. I hope to unveil it sometime next week.